What is Recommend Dosage of Ginkgo Biloba Extract?
What is Recommend Dosage of Ginkgo Biloba Extract?
BEST FOR: Alzheimer’s and antidepressant-induced sex problems
In a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers gave 202 people with Alzheimer’s either a placebo or 120 millgrams a day of Ginkgo biloba extract. A year later, the Ginkgo group retained more mental function. According to new research in rats, supplementation with an extract from Ginkgo biloba may help to battle memory loss and cognitive impairments associated with dementia by encouraging the growth and development of neural stem cells. From upstairs to downstairs:In a University of California, San Francisco study,investigators gave 209 milligrams of ginkgo a day to 63 peopele suffering from antidepressant-induced sex problems, including erection impairment, vaginal dryness and inability to reach orgasm; the herb helped 91% of the women and 76% of the men to return to normal sexual function.
Dosage: Traditional usage is 80 to 240 millgrams of a 50:I standardized leaf extract daily or 30 to 40 millgrams of extract in a tea bag, prepared as a tea, for at least four to six weeks. (Come form the Doctor’s Book of Natural Health Remedies)