How Can Ginkgo Biloba Extract Improve Your Memory?
Firstly, Ginkgo is a very strong antioxidant, means that it protects cells from damage, an underlying cause of all bodily disintegration, including dysfunctional brain cells and clogged blood vessels in the brain, heart, and extremities. Ginkgo's main pharmacological agents are thought to be flavone glycosides and terpene lactones, mainly unique chemicals called ginkgolides. Ginkgo discourages blood platelet stickiness, reducing formation of devastating blood clots and plaque buildup. Also critical may be Ginkgo's anti-inflammatory activity, which can protect diseased arteries from further damage, new research suggests. French experiments show that ginkgo can actually restore the ability of brain cells to transmit and receive signals from neurotransmitters that govern brain activity. Whether the direct therapeutic effects on the brain are ultimately the result of better blood circulation is unknown. Ginkgo increases glucose metabolism in the brain, thus increasing brain energy.

Professional in Kentucky University found that the cause of memory loss and dementia may not be entirely due to a peculiar damage to brain cells as previously thought, but to accompanying damage from infarcts or mini strokes in which blood flow is interrupted. This is exciting because it the awful consequences of means the circulatory damage might be controlled even when the underlying disease of Alzheimer's is not. Thus the awful consequences of Alzheimer's may be treatable by preventing such mini strokes, with aspirin and other anticoagulants and by improving blood circulation, as ginkgo does splendidly. Indeed, this helps confirm that increased blood flow to brain cells is the prime reason ginkgo is so successful in treating mental decline.
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