Andy Biotech has pass ISO9001 quality management system certification. The products have passed KOSHER certificate.
For the controllable quality problems of purchased raw materials, relying on the unique climate in southern Shaanxi, we established two
standardized planting bases: 300 hectares of Ginkgo Biloba and 350 hectares of Green Tea in Hanzhong City.
Andy Biotech have HPLC, AFS, UV and fast moisture analyzer testing equipments to control the product purity, heavy metals, microbiology and
other quality index.
To ensure the quality of products, we have carried strict monitoring to detect from every links into the factory to the production process of raw
High quality natural products are derived from high quality raw materials.
High-quality raw materials brings high-quality products. Good products only originates from high quality raw materials.
Company:Andy Biotech(Xi'an) CO.,LTD
Phone: 0086-29-89529317
Fax: 0086-29-84350231